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    Breast Lift

    beautiful woman

    Many areas of our bodies change over time. For women, significant deviations in the size and appearance of their breasts is extremely common. Pregnancy, nursing, weight fluctuations, gravity and the ageing process can all contribute to the eventual softening and sagging of breast tissue so that they no longer sit as high on the chest cavity as they once did. Indeed, sagging and drooping are hallmarks of advancing age and something which makes many women feel embarrassed about their body, causing them to lose confidence and self-esteem.

    Breast lift surgery makes it possible to reverse the effects of ageing, repositioning the breasts higher on the chest, enabling them to look fuller, perkier and more youthful. It is important to note that a breast lift won’t significantly changes the size of your breasts. However, it can be performed alongside augmentation surgery which uses implants to make them larger.

    Am I a good candidate for a breast lift?

    Good candidates for breast lift surgery typically experience the following issues:

    - Breasts that have lost shape and volume

    - Nipples that fall below the creases of your breasts

    - Nipples and areola that point downward

    - Areolas that have stretched out and are disproportionate to your breasts

    - One breast falls lower than the other

    While most patients can undergo breast lift surgery, it is generally not recommended for patients who intend on having further children since this will again alter the shape and position of the breasts.

    What can I expect from a breast lift procedure?

    Exactly what will happen during your breast lift procedure will depend on the lift technique that Dr. Clark uses. This will be determined at your consultation and will be based on the extent of lift required.

    The Donut Lift

    This is used to correct sagging that is fairly mild. It is also the type of lift most commonly performed alongside breast augmentation surgery. During a donut lift, an incision is made around the areola only. This causes minimal scarring which blends well with the darker skin in this area.

    The Lollipop Lift

    This is most common amongst breast lift patients and corrects moderate sagging. In a lollipop lift, incisions are made around the areola and from the areola down to the inframammary fold. The breast can be reshaped as well as lifted, enabling Dr. Clark to position it in such a way that the breast looks fuller.

    The Anchor Lift

    Most often recommended for patients with large, pendulous breasts, the anchor lift enables extensive reshaping and lifting. There are three incisions required. These are around the areola, from the areola to the inframammary fold and along the length of the inframammary fold.

    All breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthetic and typically takes around three hours. Dr. Clark will be able to give you more precise information at your consultation appointment.

    Recovering from a breast lift

    As a significantly invasive surgery requiring general anesthetic, you can expect to need a few weeks to recover from your breast lift surgery. When you first come around from your procedure, you may feel disorientated and even nauseous as the anesthetic wears off. Your chest will also be bandaged and feel tight and swollen for a number of days. Dr. Clark and your care team will ensure you have adequate pain relief during the initial stages of your recovery.

    You should schedule at least two weeks away from work to allow for your recovery. You will need to avoid strenuous activity and certain other physical activities as recommended by Dr. Clark. You will also need to wear a surgical bra for up to three months to support your chest and manage the expected post-op swelling.

    It is essential that you follow the aftercare instructions and advice provided to you by Dr. Clark and your medical team as this will help to ensure that you make a smooth, complication-free recovery and achieve the best possible results from your breast lift.

    If you are interested in scheduling a confidential consultation with our experienced and reassuring, board-certified surgeon, Dr. Steven Clark, please contact our McKinney, TX office today.