Tips to Prepare for your Brazilian Butt Lift

If there is one cosmetic surgery procedure that has rear-ly (sorry!) taken the world by storm during the last decade, it is the Brazilian butt lift. The ‘ideal’ female body shape has changed a lot during the last century. From the appeal of the stick-thin, androgynous look during the 60s to the athletic, feminine form of the 80s to this decade, when many people are finding muscular curves, including a large, firm booty to be extremely attractive attributes. Not only is a round, tight booty desirable in its own right, but it simultaneously makes our waist look smaller and our curves more defined.
Sadly, much like other physical features, some of us haven’t been blessed with a butt that can rival that of the many A-listers we see flaunting belfies (butt selfies) all over social media. Fortunately, a Brazilian butt lift can help you to achieve an Insta-worthy booty that boosts your confidence and self-esteem.
If you have decided that a Brazilian butt lift is for you, here are our top tips to prepare for your surgery.
Get your candidacy approved by a board-certified plastic surgeon
You may have decided that a Brazilian butt lift is the right cosmetic procedure to help you achieve the rear that you have been dreaming of, but this doesn’t guarantee that you will be able to have the surgery. As with any treatment of this type, it is essential that you undergo a consultation carried out by your surgeon – who ideally should be highly experienced, reputable with proven results and board-certified. They will be able to perform a health assessment as well as asking you about your reasons for obtaining a butt lift to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
Adopt a healthy lifestyle
Any surgery has some degree of risk associated with it. However, you can mitigate the extent of many of these risks by ensuring that you are as healthy as possible ahead of your procedure. This means eating a healthy, balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, getting enough exercise and sleep and generally feeling well in body and mind. If you smoke, you will be advised to quit as smoking significantly increases the risk of complications and slows the healing process.
Schedule time away from work
After your Brazilian butt lift you can expect to need to take a while away from work to heal and recover from your procedure. Most surgeons recommend that you arrange for 3-4 weeks off of work as during this time you will have to limit the amount of pressure that is placed on the buttocks. You will also need to avoid any real physical activity during this time.
Get your errands out of the way
It is important that you take the necessary time to rest, relax and heal after your procedure. This means no rushing around carrying out errands such as grocery shopping, cleaning or attending appointments that aren’t to check on the progress of your healing. Make sure that you have got any urgent errands out of the way and that you have friends or family members around that can help you out if you need it.
Address your medications
There are some types of medications that should be avoided ahead of any surgery, including things like blood thinners and ibuprofen. Your surgeon will tell you about any medications that you need to stop taking ahead of your Brazilian butt lift and when you will need to swap to an alternative drug or stop taking them. It is also advisable to stock up on over the counter pain relief as you will need these to help you feel comfortable in the days after your surgery.
Plan your clothing carefully
You will want to give careful consideration to the type of underwear you wear into your procedure and in the days after it. You can expect your butt to be covered in dressings as well as swollen and sore so opt for large, loose-fitting panties and a skirt or nightdress or loose-fitting pants or shorts to prevent pressure on the area.
If you would like further tips on the best way to prepare for your Brazilian butt lift, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with our experienced cosmetic surgery team to see if you are a suitable candidate for this transformative procedure, please contact our Texas plastic surgery offices today.