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  • What is the Best Age to Get a Nose Job?

    What is the Best Age to Get a Nose Job?

    Advancements in plastic surgery have made it much easier to change our appearance to what we want. One of the most common procedures is rhinoplasty or a nose job. The nose can impact the aesthetics of your face. You can get the procedure to improve those aesthetics as you see pleasing.

    What is a Nose Job?


    A nose job is a cosmetic procedure aiming to improve the nose's appearance and function. You can get the procedure for purely aesthetic or corrective treatment. As an aesthetic procedure, it helps restore balance to your face and correct issues like nose bumps. 

    As a corrective procedure, it can help improve how you breathe. You may have facial trauma that has affected how your nose works. Or it may be a congenital defect of the structure of the nose. Plastic surgeons can correct both situations using a nose job. 

    Types of Nose Jobs


    You can get either of two types of nose job procedures.

    Open Rhinoplasty


    Also known as external rhinoplasty, it is a helpful technique. The surgeon makes an incision on the soft tissue dividing the nostrils. The incision allows the surgeon to access the underlying cartilage structure and bone supporting the nose. 

    Accessing the underlying structures of the nose gives the surgeon leeway to reshape the nose. It is easier to suture and graft, providing a better view of the procedure. It is the best technique to use if you desire drastic changes. Although it is better for significant changes, there is more bruising and swelling after.

    Closed Rhinoplasty


    The closed rhinoplasty technique or internal rhinoplasty involves making incisions through the nostrils. It is much less invasive than open rhinoplasty and is ideal for correcting blocked airways. It is for minor issues and to reduce bridge gaps in the nose. 

    What is the Best Age to Get a Nose Job?



    Age Limit


    The lowest age allowed to get rhinoplasty is when skeletal development has reached its peak. When interested candidates are no longer growing and their nose has stopped changing, they are possible candidates. The average age for this skeletal maturity is 15 for girls and about 18 for boys. 

    There is no limit to when you can get the procedure after you pass the second decade. You can get the procedure even when you are in your fifties. Of course, your health will play a part in determining if you are a viable candidate.

    Exceptions for Lower Age Limit


    There can be exceptions to the maturity rule if some conditions are involved. One of these could be if a child is born with a cleft lip. A child with a cleft lip can get the procedure as early as three months old. 

    For more on the best age to get a nose job, visit Clark Plastic & Hand Surgery at our office in McKinney, Texas. Call 469-675-3659 to book an appointment today.